3‌ ‌Actions‌ ‌to‌ ‌Reopen‌ ‌Your‌ ‌Business‌ ‌During‌ ‌COVID‌ ‌

Aakash Kumar
Founder & CEO
February 10, 2021

What’s Next for Your Business? 

The hospitality industry has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic and it will take years to recover from the financial impact the pandemic has caused. 

As vaccinations rollout, businesses are asking themselves, what’s next? Health officials have not given an exact timeline when America will reach herd immunity, but in the meantime, what can brands do to increase consumer confidence and assure employees and customers they’re taking extreme safety measures with business operations.  

Businesses Are Disrupted

Despite state and local governments enforcing different restrictions like stay-at-home orders, travel, limited gatherings and other operational rules it can all be very confusing, especially for businesses that operate in multiple states. With no cohesive plan businesses are forced to pivot at any given moment. The COVID-19 pandemic has been overwhelming and disruptive to businesses and the return to some sort of normalcy is unknown.

Shiftsmart Safety Audit Program 

In May 2020 Shiftsmart worked with Mark Cuban to train and deploy auditors to understand how well businesses were complying with the state’s standards. This was one of the first audits completed after the first stay-at-order was lifted by the state. Shiftsmart served as a single centralized partner and auditors were quickly trained and deployed to gather data to see how businesses measured with safety and consistency. Auditors found a high number of stores that reopened weren’t compliant with protocols. The Shiftsmart safety audit program equipped the business  with a “report card” to better improve their operations to meet safety protocols. 

For businesses to open effectively they must institute compliance management with three key areas that give real-time quality data so that consistent action can be taken to implement changes quickly.  

Three Keys for Your Business

1. Set Rules – Establish safety procedures and protocols for employees and guests to follow. 

2. Follow Rules - Ensure performance of all safety procedures and protocols are followed onsite during business operations.

3. Audit and Repeat - Give real-time data and custom report cards that demonstrate a passed or failed audit that gives businesses information and insight needed to make meaningful changes, fast.

The Shiftsmart safety audit program enables the organization to:

  • Quickly engage potential auditors in a rigorous screening process followed by comprehensive virtual training.
  • Quickly execute a safety audit program 
  • Learn within 24 hours if employees are non-compliant
  • Quickly remediate with real-time data for immediate action and issue resolution
  • Respond to dynamic circumstances in real time with a flexible program
  • Boost customer satisfaction and loyalty with a safe, consistent guest experience 
  • Protect the brand by mitigating issues before they escalated to government authorities or created PR challenges

Increase visibility and optimize operations

As a leading hospitality company with over 950 properties around the world reopened, the executive team mandated a global set of safety protocols. However, the organization struggled to know whether the standards were being reliably followed at each of their hotels.  The lack of visibility put their brand, employees and most importantly, their guests at risk during this uncertain time. The company selected Shiftsmart, through a consulting partner, to build and execute a global safety audit program across their wide-ranging portfolio.  Within two weeks Shiftsmart launched a global audit program in over 50+ countries on six continents and 700 consistent, trustworthy audits. 

75% of travelers said that employees wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) and third-party certified sanitation reviews offer them a sense of security.

With Shiftsmart, this leading hospitality company achieved unprecedented insight into property performance during a critical time for its business. The Shiftsmart safety audit program enabled the organization to:

  • Learn within 24 hours if there was a failure on employee mask compliance
  • Quickly remediate locations with employee non-compliance using a 15-point location report card that leadership could forward directly to the hotel GM for immediate action and issue resolution 
  • Respond to dynamic circumstances in real time with a flexible program that could be updated on the fly 
  • Boost customer satisfaction and loyalty with a safe, consistent guest experience 
  • Protect the brand by mitigating issues before they escalated to government authorities or created PR challenges

Discover how Shiftsmart business audits help you maintain your standards and maximize your customer experience.

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